Friday, March 15, 2013

Kinley Ryann 5 Months

I really do have intentions to post these at the first of the month since she was born at the first of the month but it just hasn't been happening, the pics were taken on the first so enjoy......

 My sweet baby girl is 5 months old......hard to believe!

Let me tell has been an amazing 5 months, this little girl brings so much joy. She is smiling and starting to babble a little bit.....

and she loves to blow rasberries. We have rasberry blowing contest and she always wins but I get an honorable mention for staying dry! She does drool, it's not excessive yet but I would definitely say some teeth are trying to work their way out. She loves to chew on her blankets or her crinkly toy book, it seems to be her favorite toy right now!

She eats baby food at dinnertime and she loves it. She still likes to be held most the time, I think she feels safe from her brother that way. She wears 3-6 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She will roll from side to side, I know she could roll over just don't think she wants to. She much prefers to be in a sitting position. She also seems to be finding her voice, just in the past week she has started to scream, it's a happy I can be so loud scream.....not a mad one!

She likes to sit up where she can see the world, you just see her little mind working as she is just watching everything going on around her....learning all about this great big new world she is in! Everyone can make her laugh but she seems to really find Katelin to be funny!

Chet and I both just will be talking and she will just look at you with her beautiful blue eyes and give you the sweetest smile ever, it is almost's so sweet!

And are they ever too old to get these sweet sleeping pictures, she is a great sleeper too. Most nights she will go to sleep anywhere between 9 and 10 and she will sleep until about 6 or so. Every once in a while she will wake up really early and I put her in our bed and she  goes right back to sleep so she will just cuddle with me all night ( I don't mind it one bit).

And this one is for Daddy, he thought the camo made a great backdrop!
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