Monday, March 11, 2013

Snowmageddon (Part 2)

I know everyone is tired of snow but I am behind on blogging and still have snow post to do so here is a picture from the first snow storm.....

and then we got hit with a second one!

And we went outside again....

this time we made a snowman.....

Owen found a snowball to start us off....

the big kids helped to roll him up....

the little ones helped a little too....

Katelin insisted this was the head.....

and our finished snowman!

My boys were pouty but I made them be in the picture.....

Daddy made him a scary face on the other side....

Captain likes to catch snowballs....

Evan just wanted to sit in the go cart....

It's been fun playing in the snow, I have a couple of more post to share......but the snow can go away now.....i'm ready for spring!!!!
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