Sunday, March 3, 2013

Snowmageddon (Part 1)

So we got a major snowstorm last week, which is a lot when there has been hardly no snow for the past 2 years. After all was said and done we had a little over a foot of snow I think.

This is from the first snow we got.


Even Kinley was checking it out.

Our back deck

Chet helping the neighbor get his van unstuck

The birds were all over the feeder

Of course we had to go play in it.....

Chet and the kids made a snow fort

Here they are in the fort

Evie found a snowball

Fun with shadows (that is Rylie)

Now he is eating a snowball

She wanted me to watch her swim.....

Silly girl!

They had lots of fun.

My O

Yes that is a chair inside the fort.

Kinley and I were outside for quite a while, part of it we sat in the car and watched everyone play.

Look how pretty my baby girl is!!!!

It's been fun having some snow especially after 2 years with very little, I have quite a few more snow post to come!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love looking at the snow! Super pretty.

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