Monday, May 6, 2013

Katelin's 5th Birthday!!!!

My sweet, beautiful, funny little princess is 5! Not only did she turn 5 this year but she turned 5 on the 5th day of the 5th month!!! Not everyone gets a golden birthday like that! (Owen also had an extra special golden birthday when he turned 2 on the 2nd day of the 2nd month)

She is a self proclaimed princess so it was hard to do any theme other than Princesses for my special girl!!!!

She was sooo excited to turn 5, she said that way she will be 5 like her friends at school. The day of her party she said so I am 5 now and I had to explain that we were just having her party on Saturday but on Sunday she would really be 5.....I can't express how excited she's been to actually be 5! I recently said something to her about how she had to quit growing and she said, I just want to turn 5 that's it!!!!

We had a very very special surprise guest show up about an hour after her party started......her favorite princess of all.....Cinderella!

Only real princesses could unlock the magic treasure box so Katelin had to pass 3 test.......with the help of her friends they.......

 popped all the magic bubbles, blew up an imaginary balloon and.....

danced their little hearts out!

Can't you just see on her face how magical it was for her?!?!?!

After passing all 3 test they followed the map to the queen (aka mama) for the magical key.....which I happily gave to her for a princess kiss! Only problem???? Their were 2 keys and only real princesses choose the right key!!!! Katelin must be a real princesses because she knew right away which key it was!

After that they each got to pick 3 treasures and the girls got makeovers and the boys got facepainting and the princess also got a tiara and a wand!!!!! Katelin said it was the best part of her party, which makes my heart smile!!!!!!

Cinderella with.....

Sage and Stormy


Ellie Mae

Kaylynn and Makayla



and Kinley and Katelin!

After opening presents


we blew out candles

and did the pinata

She had a great party, we are very blessed with wonderful friends and family who all came to celebrate our pretty princess!

And on her actual birthday.....we went to our favorite mexican restaurant, it is also cinco de mayo after all!!!!!

And not to steal anything from Katelin's special day but this little beauty of mine......

not only made her first attempts at crawling on Saturday but also got to meet our dear friend Anne Marie for the first time :) She even cuddled her to sleep!!!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for inviting us! It was super sweet! Happy SUPER golden birthday to your girl!

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