Friday, May 31, 2013

Our kickoff to summer!

The last day of school and our first day of summer was a week ago today!

Here are Rylie and Owen on their first day of school.....they were 10 and 7, very nervous and Kinley was still baking!

Here they are last week on their last day of school, they are 10 and 8, very excited and Kinley is here and crawling and babbling!

Here is Katelin on her first and last day....she started a day later and finished a day earlier! She just turned 5 and she LOVES school, i'm sure she is going to miss it this summer!

I went to Rylie's award ceremony but spent most of it in the hall way with the littles but i'm proud of Rylie, it was her first year of middle school and she had a teacher she wasn't crazy about but she got through it with all A's and B's and had a good year!

So proud of this kid, he has come a long way with his reading and helped he had an incredible teacher (more on that later)!

So we kicked off summer by heading out to the K for a Royal's game, I got everyone some Royals shirts and some fun beads and stickers. We had to get a family pic before heading out.....

They were ready to go......

Daddy started out a little grumpy but his mood got better after we headed out!

Rylie was such a big helper with the littles, like here holding her little sisters hand......when there are 5 kids in a big crowd it helps to have helpers!

It was a beautiful night.....

it was also buck night so we could afford to feed everyone hot dogs!

My Kinbear and I.....she was sooo good and very entertaining to the people behind us, she just kept smiling at them and what an irresistable smile my littlest love has!

Oh Evie.....he was really good considering he is my 2 year old terror, he was up and down in his seat but he was really very good the whole night!

My princess.....she had fun, she was asking when we get to come again as we were walking to the car!

Like I said this girl was such a good help, I really see her maturing a lot and she makes my heart proud!

These two hung out like old friends most the that they are so close!

My O O......he is really getting good at baseball and I see him enjoying watching sports more and more!

Chet brought me a little bit of heaven while we were there.......funnel cake fries and YES I ate all of them and they really were heavenly!!!!

Chet spent the first 3 innings back and forth in line so I took the kids to the play area so he could sit and watch the game for a while.......

they had fun but by the time we got there to buy tokens so we could ride the carousel they had quit selling them but.....

they didn't really care, they were just happy they got snowcones (and for Rylie, cotton candy)!

O for Owen.... 
E for Evan..... 
and F for Farage! 
We went back to watch the rest of the game.... 
and this little girl finally gave up and went to sleep! 
Katelin was getting a little antsy and bounced between mine, daddy and grammy's laps....she kept asking when were we gonna see fireworks! 
My love and I! 
Slugger....we could of had a picture with him but Katelin wouldn't go up to him, Evan would only wave and Owen didn't get down there quick enough! 
The pretty fountains were a big hit..... 
but not as big as the fireworks! 
Katelin and Evan cuddled up with Rylie to watch them, it put a smile on Ry's face.....and see O, he is sitting with Grammy! 
It was a busy day and a busy night so not surprisingly everyone passed out on the way home......

It was a great kickoff to what I expect to be a great summer!!!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE BASEBALL!!! I want to take my crew out there...we'll see though! Looks like you all had a blast!

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