Friday, August 23, 2013

A trip to the zoo..........

with my crew and the Johnson family too!

About 2 weeks before school we headed to the and my littles and Mandy and her littles!

It was this ones first trip to the zoo....I love her giraffe shirt!

Katelin wanted a picture up on the rock and then she wanted right back down!

Usually Rylie happily lets me take her picture but she wasn't enjoying the heat and this was one of the only picture she let me take.

Here we are watching the polar bear.....very cool!

This is how Kinley started out.....what a rough life.

The kids thought this snake was very cool....

and very big!

Owen and Dylan!

And this was about the jist of the animals we saw!

Long lost brothers?!?!?!?

She wants one as a pet!!!!

And see the little guy in the window....he takes his job very seriously because.....

while they were all sleeping.....

he was very dutifully keeping watch for predators (and with all the crazy kids running around I don't blame him), in all seriousness they are very cool animals!

On the carousel, he was scared at first but once it got going as long as I was holding on to him he was fine!

My girl, can you tell she'd been crying? More on that in a minute.

Rylie and Kin Kin! The boys went where I couldn't see them which made me just a little nervous but I never heard the operator yell at them so they must have been behaving.

Do you see the wild creature in this picture??? Keep looking...he is there, I promise!

Now do you see him????

He was mad at me and when he is mad he likes to storm off and pout so that's what he did and I let him.....just as long as I could see him.

He did decide to come closer but still pouting!
The others were being entertained by the sea lions....some other really cool creatures! 
And that was it....we posed for a few more pics..... 
Why such a short trip???? 
It was HOT which Rylie didn't  handle well and she just wanted to leave wouldn't even give me one group shot..... 

and well 2 of my kids went missing on this trip.......
Right before we got to the carousel we were looking at some llamas, we walked just past them to where the carousel was at and were getting the kids ready to get on when I noticed Katelin wasn't by us. I looked back by the llamas and saw her by a building looking around and yelled Katelin....she saw me and her face just scrunched up and she burst into tears and latched onto me like crazy. I felt HORRIBLE, I found her so quickly but I think she was probably looking for me for several minutes and I can't imagine how scared she was, it took her a bit to get calmed down. Then while dealing with that Evan went missing and we didn't find him as quickly so everyone was looking for him and all of a sudden he just happily comes strolling up, not sure where he was but he sure wasn't scared!
I'm not too worried about the kids being snatched from the zoo because it is mostly families there, it's not an easy place to snatch a kid and get away easily and the highway isn't right there so it would not be an easy get away however it is a very big place and would be very very scary to be lost there so glad it all ended up okay!
So we rode the carousel and Emily fell off the bench when the ride was over and busted her lip open. So after dealing with that Mandy decided she'd be best taking her kiddos home. So we watched the sea lion show and went home too. Not the best trip to the zoo, it was eventful though!!!!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Could've been worse! I'm glad all ended well!

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