Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lego land and Sea life......

So the 5th of July was a fun day for the Farage family because we got to hang out with Chet's parents and our nephew John.

I had a doctor's appointment so while Kinley and I went to that Chet and the other kids went and washed the car and really the only point of me sharing any of that info is because I took this picture of Kinley while waiting and I think this is my new most favorite outfit......it's so cute!!!!

Anyway.....after my appointment we headed to lunch and then crown center.....
I had brought my good camera to get some good pics but guess what????

I am a dingbat and left the sd card at home in my computer so we had to rely on the cell phones.

Lego land overall wasn't too impressive, very crowded and not too exciting for what it cost but the lego displays were very impressive......

Rylie is allmost 130 legos tall!

Kansas Speedway


Different parts of KC

Street view

Wizard of Oz

Like I said very impressive displays.....

and while the kids had fun they weren't overly impressed with the rest either.

They did have a couple of rides that were fun, the big kids and I rode this one!

but we are glad we got to hang out with John for a day!

The aquarium was our favorite, lots of really cool sea life. I was so mad for not having my camera. And at this point both Chet and I's phones were almost dead.

Even Kinley enjoyed this.
Katelin wanted a picture with the fish with the yellow tail and I was trying to take the picture but she kept trying to keep an eye on the fish, so funny!

There is a touch tank where you can feel some of the sea life.....
Rylie touched the starfish.

The shark was really cool.

A dome you could stick your head into so you were inside the tank.....

This was in the tunnel where you were surrounded, Evan was showing Daddy something!

Very cool.....

And we got a few pics of stingrays and our phones were both dead. 

I definitely want to go back to the aquarium soon (with my good camera), it was really neat and everyone really enjoyed it!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

VERY cool! I'll have to take my crew!

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