Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Rylie is my fashionista! She loves clothes, doing hair, applying make up and doing nails so.....
that's what she did with her new nail stuff she got in her little V-day package from us!
She pampered me with pink polish and my ring finger got glitter!

I think she did a great job!

She loves the color turquoise so I bought her some turquoise polish and that's what color she did for her nails!

She did Katelins too and it's hard to see but she has polka dots on all her fingers and hearts on her thumbs!

She didn't forget about Kinley although her polish only last about an hour and it is pretty much worn off!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What happens when Katelin gets my camera????

Well let me show you.............
You get a selfie!
A posed picture!

A picture of her favorite cousin!

And of course one of them together!

Kit Kit whom it looks like she woke up!

And more selfies!

Aww cousins!!!!

Now just her little bro!

Okay done with the little bro....cutting him out of the pic to focus on just her!!!!

Lots of.....


Yay...little bro is back! 

It's Xander.....

Can't forget the legos.....

or the little pink turtle named Myrtle.....
or Myrtle the turtle with the legos!!!!!
Then she started posing them.....



 Oh all good portfolios must include.....

the pouty face!
Big boys doing what they love....xbox!

Pigface selfie! 
And of course, Clifford the Big Red Dog!

Love my girl, love her creativity and love love love her silliness!!!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow Day!!!!

The beginning of February brought not only at least a foot of snow but also a polar vortex otherwise known as really really cold weather! Which also meant 3 snow days for the kids. They really wanted to go outside so we bundled them all up (except Kinley) and out they went. They didn't stay out for long and it was really the only time they went out because it was just soooo cold!

She always gets right in the snow because her favorite thing is making snow angels!
It's not fun in the snow if you don't eat a little of it!

How cute is he????
She wanted to shovel the sidewalk, after coming inside for a while she looked out and was greatly disappointed to see all her hard work was once again covered in snow!!!! 
Throwing snowballs didn't help keep them warm! 

My pretty girl!
I think he was getting cold! 
Can you see how red her face is??? 
Our front yard! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Need a plumber????

Not sure she will fix any water problems but she sure does have the cutest little plumbers butt I've ever seen!!!!!!
And i'm not sure why she sometimes does this but she just pushes her diaper down and goes about her business....guess she needs to air out!!!!
January 7 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

January Leftovers!

No shortage of super heroes in our house, love my Evie's smile in this pic!
But his face is just priceless in this one!

 Such a great daddy!!!!
 Yes daddy uses the vacuum to clean up hair from cutting Owen's hair but....

not Evan's, we have to move the vacuum and promise not to use it on hime, he hates it!
Rylie doing her art project, she hadn't been up long and wasn't ready so I couldn't take pictures that showed her hair and face.....such. a. girl!!!!

He concentrates so hard when he is coloring and boy is he proud of his work, which he should be!!! 

He wanted to shovel and was mad that we were leaving!
 Seriously....this kid melts my heart!
My talented Katelin drew this...it looks like a dog and a big cat, it is actually our 2 dogs Captain and Cayenne. Her proportions are a little off but she did a really good job drawing them!

As much as Evan wasn't too sure of his little sister when she first came, he sure does love her now! 
My poor O....everyone in our family got sick except for me and Evan. Owen I think got the worse of it! 
Not liking being behind bars but she is a one girl wrecking crew and at times needs to be locked out of the kitchen! 
Her favorite time of day....meal time! 
Can you see what he has going on here???? 2 hats but they are both camouflage!!!! My little goof!

My sick baby girl.....

who still manages to smile for mama....love love love her!!!
Pretty clouds. 

Smiling the day she woke mama up at 3:30am and did not go back to sleep until 6:30 right when my alarm was going off.....mama wasn't smiling!!!!
She wanted to wear a dress so she looked pretty....silly girl she always looks pretty, no. matter. what.! 

Scrub a dub dub....Kinley Ryann is in the tub!
Wearing Rylie's hat looking as cute as ever!!!! 
It cost me $1 to go around like 3 times but just look at his smile....it was worth it! 
Daddy tried to win him a toy but to no avail! 
That is an onery face! 

And that is a sweet little smile and see my phone....yeah my beautiful niece hacked it and changed my background pic!!!!

Picked up the O man from school, he stole my phone!
My boy at his basketball game!!!! 
So there you go....my leftovers. This is my replacement for my photo challenge! These are pictures I thought were worth sharing that I took in January and did not make it into another blog post! I plan on doing this every month, a little less work than my photo challenge but still allows me to share some of the random pics I love but just didn't fit into any of my other post!!!!

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