Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The day we lost Evan.....

Yes you read that right, we lost our little Evie and it was scary! Grandma Patty was in town so we met her for lunch and headed over to the great mall so the kiddos could play. We went to the pet store first so the kids could look at the animals and then headed down to where I thought the playground was. When we got there (the playground was no longer there) Katelin says, "Where's Evan?" So we all start looking and no Evan. Patty and the kids start running back towards the pet store while Chet and I are walking peeking in each store we walk by. We were almost to the pet store when we see Patty with all 4 bigger kids, Evan included. Evan doesn't wander off from us so he either got distracted looking at the bunnies or he saw this other family in there and thought it was us. They were kind enough to keep an eye on him until we got back to him. He had tears in his eyes and he was hugging his daddy very tightly, definitely scared him! He was insistent on holding our hands the remainder of our time there. It was scary, I don't tend to panick and I was pretty confident he would be back at the pet store, had he not been there I am confident the panick would have set in.....thank God he was there!!!!! So after he was found we went to check out the train museum......
It is a model train museum and Evan loved it!
There is so much detail in the display!

In fact, all the kids enjoyed it.....it even kept Kinley mesmerized!

 They even had hobo's on the trains!



There was one train imparticular Evan was especially fond of....

He followed it around and around!

 The picture really don't do justice to all the details, I definitely recommend checking this our for anyone who likes trains at all, even if you don't it is still really neat! And there are no words to express how grateful I was to find my little boy safe and sound.....I cannot even fathom a different outcome and I pray nightly that I will never have to with any of my babies!!!!!!

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