Sunday, February 2, 2014

Superbowl Sunday, Groundhogs Day And Most Importantly................

Today is the day we celebrate our very own Owen Andrew!
This was our sweet little boy 9 years ago today! All 8lbs 10 oz of him. He arrived at 1:29 am, I was one tired mama and he was my first successful VBAC! I love birth stories and in case your interested this is Owens.....Click Here!
Some fun facts about my O man:
He is tall and skinny (like toothpick skinny), his ribs are very visible and I worry that if the wind picks up too much that he may blow away!
He loves playing sports, his favorite is football!
He loves Xbox, we have to limit his time or he would be on there a whole lot!
His favorite drink is Dr. Pepper, another thing we have to limit.
He loves pizza, cheeseburgers from McDonalds, M&M's, Oreo cookies, Sonic blast, Cool Ranch Doritos, PB&J's, Mac n cheese,  Popsicles, Chocolate pop tarts and those would be his favorite junk foods. He does eat and like most his fruits and veggies but i'm not sure he would list them on his favorite list.
He likes to go out to eat Mexican food!
He loves the Chiefs and is getting more into watching games, though he still doesn't sit and watch an entire game.
He has the prettiest ice blue eyes you will ever see!
His favorite colors are green, blue and red.
He likes to wear jeans and he sleeps in his pajama pants with no shirt.
He fights with his siblings but he loves them, he is still very close with Rylie!
He will often put his shirts on backwards and\or inside out, when I point it out his usual response is....I don't care!
He is a smart kid but school has had his struggles for him.
He is the best sleeper of my kiddos! In fact he is the best listener of my kiddos too!
He reminds me a lot of his older brother Cheston including having a love of animals (he is not a reptile whisperer like Cheston) but he loves his mammals and they seem to love him back. Captain is his buddy!
Also like Cheston as a kid....Owen likes to make random weird noises and he likes to throw and catch the football in the house!
Away from home he is very quiet, like he doesn't hardly talk quiet.
He is just a great kid, I was so blessed 9 years ago when he was born and he has blessed us everyday since. are an incredible boy and one day you will be such an incredible man, daddy and I are and always will be so proud of you and we LOVE you sooooo much.....never ever ever forget that!!!!!

Owen at his party yesterday, more on that soon!
And I would also like to wish a very very Happy Birthday to two very special girls (daughters of 2 good friends of mine) who share this day with Owen......Happy 10th Birthday to Stormy and a Happy 1st Birthday to sweet little Evelyn!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Shannon! You are very blessed with a young man as sweet and as kind as Owen is. Happy 9th birthday dude!

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