Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow Day!!!!

The beginning of February brought not only at least a foot of snow but also a polar vortex otherwise known as really really cold weather! Which also meant 3 snow days for the kids. They really wanted to go outside so we bundled them all up (except Kinley) and out they went. They didn't stay out for long and it was really the only time they went out because it was just soooo cold!

She always gets right in the snow because her favorite thing is making snow angels!
It's not fun in the snow if you don't eat a little of it!

How cute is he????
She wanted to shovel the sidewalk, after coming inside for a while she looked out and was greatly disappointed to see all her hard work was once again covered in snow!!!! 
Throwing snowballs didn't help keep them warm! 

My pretty girl!
I think he was getting cold! 
Can you see how red her face is??? 
Our front yard! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a ton of snow! Looks like your crew had fun!

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