Monday, September 15, 2014

Sunflower Farm!

So I recently learned of this place not to far from where we live and actually really close to where Chet and I got is a sunflower farm. It is called Grinter Farm and they plant these fields of sunflowers every year and open it up for photographers to take pics, then they grind them up and sell them for bird seed.
I am definitely not a professional photographer but I really desire to be able to photograph my own kids. Why???? Well there are 6 of them to photograph and this can not only be expensive but it can be a difficult task! By taking my own pics I save money and I can try again another day if they are not cooperating! I have a lot to learn but I think these turned out pretty good!
My loves!


And if you enjoy my blog then you will be happy to know I spent 3 hours yesterday (during the Chiefs game) sorting pics and preparing some more post so the next 2 weeks should have lots of activity on the blog!

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