Sunday, August 31, 2014

August leftovers

My little stud muffin!

She's the best at getting Kin to sleep!

That's my girl.....never a dull moment!

Well HELLO Luke!

Sleeping babies are irresistible....just look at those squishy lips and cheeks!

Of course she has to get in the jumparoo

Already trying to be just like daddy!

She loves him!

These two playing together....they get along pretty good most some of the time!

See what I mean.....irresistible!

Waiting for the big kids!

He loves his brother and she loves to express her anger!

Out to dinner....see the walrus?

Our littlest Chiefs fan!

Look at that smile!

Her shirt says it all.....LOVED!

Love this girl....crazy personality and all!

The only time she will pose is when I am trying to take pics of someone else!

This is a very sweet picture!

He always wants a pic with his baby bro!


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