Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September leftovers!

Waiting for the big kids!

Scooter time!

My little bambino at a birthday party!

Using daddy's hat to block the sun during a nap!

Boxes....oh how my kids love boxes!

I love finding things like this!

Such a happy happy boy!

Beast....this cat and her crazy loving personality!

Daddy's little girl!

Mama's baby boy!

They are about 50/50 on getting along or not!

Katelin got her nails done!

Mr. Cool!
Rylie's pretty nails!

New hair cut!

My little Lukey!



Picture day!

She almost always has a smile for me!

And he almost always is being a goof!

Can you tell i'm starving the poor baby?!?!?
He doesn't skinny dip.....he chunk a dunks!!!!

Love the Aunt Jemima look....this girl can pull off any look!

well.....almost any!

Are you ready for some football?

Hands in her pockets...so cute!

6 little monkeys.......

Saying goodbye to Cayenne....it was heartbreaking, we did end up with a couple more weeks with her.

Katelin drew this....characters from the Lego movie, I was impressed!

Silly babies!

Obviously my settings were way off on my camera but looks kinda cool!


My happy little love!

She really thinks she can tote him around!

Beast in a box!

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