Friday, October 31, 2014

October leftovers!

Beautiful day for the birthday girl!

I love this little stinker soooo much!

Jump a roo time!

Growing too fast!

Texas Roadhouse....she thought it was really cool that she could eat the peanuts and throw the shells on the floor!

Kinley got a teepee for her birthday!

How cute is she wearing her daddy's hat!

Hanging out on mom and dad's bed!

Love this....reading to his little brother!

As crazy as this kid is....she can be so very sweet at times!

And just look at those big beautiful eyes!

Since we're talking about big beautiful eyes.....

It's a Kinley sandwich on the 4 my girls!

He wanted to help with dinner so he is peeling carrots for me!

Dinner at Blazers!

My stud muffin ready for his music program at school!

I. Love. This. Baby!

A little bit of God's beauty on our drive home!

My little's!

Rebel baby!

Of course that is rebel in the cutest sweetest way it can be!

First time since 1985 the Royals made it to the World Series....we didn't win, made it to game 7 but the boys in blue played their hearts out.....

Brotherly love!

Pretty girl!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

These funny funny kids of mine.....

I found these gems on my camera....the kids just having fun......

Wondering where Owen was????? I'm pretty sure he is the man behind the camera!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A trip to the....

Pumpkin patch!

Katelin's class went to the pumpkin patch so I loaded up the 3 littles and met them there!

Katelin and Julia have been good friends since preschool.

Luke hanging out in the stroller.


My pumpKinley

He found his pumpkin!

And finally so did she!

My girl and I, sometimes it's hard with all the littler kids to be involved in school activities but I do my best when it's something I can bring them too.

Selfie with my kiddos!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Baby this and baby that.....

Babies have lots and lots of things, many are unnecessary but some are and here are a few of Lukes first times in items I found to be necessary.....

Luke's high chair is definitely a necessity and a not quite 4 months he started sitting in it. A lifesaver for me while cooking dinner....he was content and happy because he could see mama!
My moby wrap, I really didn't use this a lot with Luke but he was pretty content when I did!
And right before my sweet boy hit the 5 month mark we got him a big car seat, he was just too heavy to lug around in the infant seat. He did great his first time and has been happy in it ever since!

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