Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Kinley Ryann!

It doesn't hardly seem possible that my baby girl is 2!
What can I say about my sweet little Kinley Ryann!
She is ornery. She is a monkey. She is a stinker.
If you ask her to hand you something you better be prepared because she will throw it and the girl has quite the arm on her.
Anything in a spray bottle, tube or container that can be dumped out, sprayed, squeezed out or pumped out better be out of her reach because if she gets a hold of it she will empty it. Her favorite is squeezing the toothpaste all over the sink.
She is a climber and jumper. She will climb on the kitchen table and you better be ready because you will turn to her and she is already in motion to jump into your arms.
She is also funny. She is sweet. She is sooo lovable.
She loves to cuddle and when she hugs you she pats your back. She puckers up for kisses and usually when she smiles it is her shy "i'm trying not to smile" smile!
And like we love to do we celebrated her birthday with lots of love, laughter and pictures......
This year we went with a candy theme which fits well because this girl loves candy!
On her actual birthday we just had a little celebration at home......
which included ice cream cake!
We gave her her birthday present which she LOVED! She went down her roller coaster over and over again. And if someone else got on it......well....she screamed and got mad!
We finally got her to open her other presents....this cool ball drop from Grandpa and Grandma was a big hit!
And she of coursed enjoyed her cake!
Then on Sunday we had her party! This may have been my favorite one to decorate for so far!
Cupcakes galore!
We had lots and lots of candy....made for some happy happy kids! 
Loved the decorations, my awesome friend Debbie made the pennant banner for me that I used to decorate and in some of her pics! 
She had no clue the day was all about her but she had a blast!
I didn't get pics of everyone who came but Aunt Natty and Uncle Brandin, Abby and Angie, Debbie Paul and their crew, our niece Tiffany and Zayne and Kevin Victoria and their 3 kiddos. It is so fun because there are 20 kids between the above families and they all have people their age to play with and they all play so well together and have so much fun.....I love it! 

The big girls....Shayne, Abby and Rylie!
And there is trouble ..Owen, Dylan and Connor! 
The little girls...Kinley and Saylor jumping on the trampoline!  

We can't thank everyone enough for coming out to celebrate and show their love to our girl.  She makes sure our life is never dull or boring, she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger and she knows how to melt her mama's heart. She reminds us so much of Katelin at this age. We couldn't imagine life without her and man do we love her. Our little will never know how grateful we are to have you, you make us smile and laugh and bring so much joy to our world. Forever and ever we love you!!!!!!!
And Yes....she is finally sharing and letting other kids ride her roller coaster!

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