Friday, October 10, 2014

July leftovers

I know it is already October but I am just now getting around to doing my July leftovers so enjoy.....
Representing Olathe Tree!
I just like this is just a real life pic! Baby napping. Daddy watching TV with a few miller lights on the table. Baby wipes left out. I love my life!!!!
Firefighter Evan!
She loves her daddy and was so happy when he got home. And Yes, she is also a nose picker!
Watching the, not so good, fireworks display.
They drive me crazy...a lot but then they go and do something like this and it makes me so proud! ( and yes Katelin's name is marked out, Rylie says she didn't help....Katelin says she did)
The really cool blanket my dad and Patty got me for my birthday.....I waited to order until Luke was born so i'd have a pic with all my babies!
Grammy went to Vegas and brought Luke back a onesie!
My babies napping!
Sitting outside and he was mesmerized by the sound of the birds in the tree.....he just stared up there for the longest time and did it more than once when we would sit outside!
Chilling with Daddy!
I don't know what was happening in this picture but it makes me laugh!
Hot stuff right here!
He really needs to learn to relax a bit!

Kin and Beast!

Luke chilling!
Luke and his baby blues!

He seriously loves his baby brother and loves to have their pics snapped together!

Rylie is my artist....we went to run some errands and came home to this on the front porch! 

These two have quite the bond!

Brotherly love!

Reading me a book!

My sweet boy!
So sweet when she is asleep....hard to look at the face and believe she can be such a troublemaker....but she's my sweet little troublemaker!
Chubby wubby tubby baby boy! His rolls have rolls but who doesn't love a squishy baby?!?!?!

Not only did she fall asleep like that but see her shirt? She got it all twisted up crazy!

Kinley showing O O some love!
She got a big girl bed....she has yet to spend a full night in it but she has it!

Bat baby!



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