Monday, October 6, 2014

Luke Dylan....the first 4 months!

In a perfect world...every month on the 16th I would post a blog with a monthly update of my sweet baby with newly edited pics. However my world is a busy one and that just hasn't happened. I have taken his pics each month just not gotten them onto the blog so here I am catching up with pics of my sweet chubby bubby!!!!
1 Month
10lbs 15oz (78%)
Mama got his first real smile on July melted my heart!

2 Months
15lbs 11oz (97%) 23" (40%)
We got Luke's first giggles the day before he turned 2 months, and it was daddy who made him giggle first! And you can see this is when he really started getting his chubs!
He also started talkin and cooing this month.


3 Months
No well check this month so no weight but I can promise he just continued to chunk up! He also began to bounce in his exersaucer and just continued to laugh and giggle and make us all smile!

4 Months
20lbs 11oz (above 100%) and only 50% for height
Our pediatrician is a little concerned with a 5lb weight gain in 2 months so we will keep an eye on it.
This kid has legs like you wouldn't believe and no ankles visible. And while he may be the biggest 4 month old ever, he is still my  itty bitty baby boy and boy do I love him! He is smiling and giggling and he has found his voice and loves to hear himself scream! He gets to jumping like a crazy boy in his exersaucer. He hasn't rolled over yet but are you surprised?!?!? He has a lot to roll over. Most his clothes are 12 months, they are long but anything smaller (and even some 12 month) are to tight on his thighs. He is wearing size 4 diapers (same as Kinley). We tried cereal once and he was not interested so we will wait, no hurray for it....mama is giving him all that he needs!


He is a good baby, he likes to be held but that's okay with me....he is my last so I just need to enjoy every second of him being a baby. He is a cat napper but a good bedtime sleeper, he usually goes to sleep and I put him in his little bed then he will wake up around 4 to 5 to eat and snuggle with mama until we get up. I am just completely and totally in love with him, he makes my heart smile continuously. I was never shocked to find out I was pregnant until the morning I found out with him but I also never felt fully complete until he was born. I no longer feel like we are missing someone or feel like I am meant to have more....he truly does complete our family and I know he was supposed to be here with us. He is one loved baby boy!!!! 


Unknown said...

Those pictures are adorable, do you do all of your own still or have you taken him somewhere to have them done? I love the props and settings you do. Can't believe he was over 20lbs at 4months, Braylee was 23lbs at her 2yr well check last week. But he definitely makes it look as cute as can be! :-)

Shannon Farage said...

Yeah i try to take all my own pics, we invested in a good camera and i am slowly learning! We just had a good friend of mine take family pics today with all 9 kids. Luke is definitely a chunk but i sure do love him and all his squishiness! Kinley is about 25 lbs, they are in the same size diaper and hes in 12- 18 month clothes.... they're long but it's all that will fit around his thunder thighs. Braylee is a doll, love seeing her pics! I'm so glad you had her, i know how much you always wanted to be a mom..... is obvious how happy she makes you:)

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