Friday, June 5, 2015

Strawberry Picking!

We happen to live 10 minutes from Geigringers Orchard and have never been there so this week we finally went!
One of Chet and Rylie's perfect strawberries
I was surprised by how much everyone seem to enjoy it, even......
It was pretty muddy so Luke hung out in his stroller for the most part.....
but eventually he wanted out!
Kinley got right to picking berries and taste testing them.....I told her no more until we wash them, hopefully no bugs were on that one!
Evan would pick a berry then ask me if it was a good one and he did this over and over and over again......he was proud of his berries though!

Katelin does not like strawberries but she was more than happy to help pick them!

I was maybe most surprised by how into it Owen got, he was ahead of us the whole time finding the ripest ones.

Rylie was very picky with what she picked.....
she stayed back with Chet, they are convinced their berries were the best. They wouldn't even combine theirs with ours!

There were a couple fun little things to play on.....

My loves!

Am I really old enough to be her mom?!?!? I don't feel like I am.....growing up gorgeous!!!!!

It was a fun outing, hoping to go back in a month or two when they have peaches and blackberries.  

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