Monday, June 1, 2015

A quick trip to.....

our state capital!

I love that nearly 14 years of marraige and we still hold hands!
June 1 2015

Chet put money in the meter and went to get a title so.....

the kids (minus Rylie) and I decided to go for a walk.

There were some really cool statues....this one is dedicated to the pioneer women!

They look so small sitting on the steps.

She is a good big sister, loves to love on the littles!

A memorial for the Kansas veterans who lost their lives....

The kids knew exactly who this was.....

and were excited to pose with Abe Lincoln!!!

Luke was just happy to be running around, he was going through his take off phase, arms behind his back like he was ready to take off!

Then daddy came out and it was time to head back home, it was a fun little outing though!!!!

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