Friday, June 19, 2015

Rylie's 13th Birthday!

Yeap...on June 19 2015 I officially became the mother of a teenager! We had a pretty low key celebration for her this year due to the fact we dished out a decent amount of money to send her to Florida with her bff in July.

Her daddy brought her home 13 roses....12 red and the 13th pink for her 13 years!

Then we headed to Zio's for her birthday dinner..... 

Abby joined us for what was a very peaceful dinner......

  I say peaceful because this is what Kinley did for the entire dinner.....slept on her daddy!

 Then back home for cake and.....


In addition to her trip to Florida she got a makeup table and straightener and gift cards from grandma and grandpa. We ended up having a girls night out to go shopping! 

Rylie loves elephants so Katelin picked her out some elephant bracelets. 

Then Evan came running in with something wrapped in a was his gift for Ry. One of his toys which he later asked that she return but it's the thought that counts and he most certainly made her smile which is the best gift of all!

 Hard to believe she is 13 and growing up so fast. I love this girl so much.....and am so proud of her and the young lady she is becoming!

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