Friday, July 24, 2015

Great Wolf Lodge

This July we went to the Great Wolf Lodge with our crew plus Debbie, Paul and their crew.....4 adults and 12 kids....we were quite the site!

Eating dinner at the lodge, this was Chet's view!

My babies!

What were the boys waiting on......

The Big Bucket water dump......

Kinley and Coop!

Pretty Stormy girl!

Shayne and Ry having fun with my under water camera!

My little babies.....they had a blast!

even when they were trying to beat each other up!

The little ones just love Chet!

All the kids had their playmate......Chet and Paul!

Debbie did Katelin's hair all pretty!

It's so nice with most the kids having a friend with Debbie and Paul's kids.....

Katelin and Sage

Rylie and Shayne

Kinley and Saylor (not quite sure if these two will be friends or frienemies yet)

Owen and Connor

Evan and Cooper

And then there is Luke.....

Wore out after a day of swimming.

and Stormy.....they may not have a partner in crime but the group wouldn't be complete without them :)

We spent 2 days and 1 night there, the kids had a blast......

and were wiped out when we got home!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Our little redneck tomgirl!

I don't think she realizes how little she is.....

I don't think she will ever be a tutu and dress kind of girl.....

I do hope she always knows.....
it doesn't matter how dirty, how ornery or how stubborn she is.....

we will always adore our little tom girl!!!!
(and yes I do realize the term is tom boy but tom girl makes more sense to me)

The best spot in the house.....

to get a good nights sleep is obviously snuggled up to daddy!

Right in between daddy and I is what Kinley refers to as her spot though she usually ends up as close to daddy as she can get!

We only let her sleep in our bed the first 3 nights we had her while she got used to us and our sure was sweet while it lasted!

It's getting easier and easier for daddy to get him to sleep and that makes daddy very proud!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Yummy Gummie!!!!

Can you guess what we made?!?!?!

It's really not that hard to figure out.....

but we made homemade.....

And they were pretty yummy!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Another scary incident......

So not quite a month before Rylie's crash we had another scary situation. We were driving home and the Rylie asked if we could go to Hillsdale just to enjoy some time to relax. So we decided to go out there for a bit and let the kids run around and skip rocks.

It was a late afternoon/early evening Friday and it was beautiful out.
The kids were a having a blast skipping rocks and playing.

Sometimes rocks get boring and you gotta throw logs instead.

Shocker....Rylie was taking selfies!

The kids put their feet in the water and what the big kids do.....

this little girl likes to follow and before we knew it.....

she was getting wet.

No big deal though....we were on a slanted boat ramp so we knew she wouldn't step into a drop off so we let her have some fun!

This kid decided to wake up and join in the fun.

Had a little fun taking some pics......

He found a rock and wanted a picture!

Daddy trying to look like a deer with antlers!
It was a beautiful day....

everyone was having fun, a boat was coming in so we told everyone to move off the boat ramp.

The kids moved down a little ways and right about where Katelin is standing  (in the picture below) is where Kinley decided she would wade in the water, I was telling her not to get in the water and I think I got momentarily distracted for a second and looked back over to her head bobbing in and out of the water. The kids were yelling her name and I really didn't think I just reacted.....I was yelling Kinley, Kinley, Kinley as I ran and jumped in. I grabbed her and had to catch my footing. My knee landed on a big pointy rock and right behind that rock was a drop off. I carried her out of the water holding back the tears, it really scared me. Chet had been pushing Luke in the stroller and everything happened so quick I think he was just in a little bit of shock. I had a bruised knee and a chunk out of my toe but my little girl was safe and sound and scared in my arms! 

Do I think we narrowly missed a tragedy???? No....I think no matter what she would have either caught her footing or even without me running and jumping in we would have got her out no problem but you never know. I don't know how deep or how far the drop off was. It was just one of those parental reactions and I didn't take time to access the situation I just reacted to it. It probably would not have ended tragically but it could have so again thank you God that it didn't. My Kinbear has little fear and maybe this just put a little bit more into her and I am okay with that. This girl is so full of life and of course Chet and I went over the what if's and just like with Rylie's accident it is almost to much to bear thinking about those. My heart aches for those who have lost a child and the 2 incidents with my girls is too close for comfort for me.

I have to throw in here that i'm not so sure I impress my husband to much most days but he was rather impressed by my reaction and took to facebook to share the story so I, of course, have to make sure I keep a permanent record of him calling me his superhero :)

Well we take all the kids to Hillsdale lake to throw rocks into the lake and take pictures....Kinley is a water fanatic! We keep telling her Stay here don't go so far out in the water...well....she found an area right by the shore that was a drop off she went under!! I had no time to react! Super Mom Shannon screams her name an dives in!!! I have a new super hero!!

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