Friday, July 24, 2015

Great Wolf Lodge

This July we went to the Great Wolf Lodge with our crew plus Debbie, Paul and their crew.....4 adults and 12 kids....we were quite the site!

Eating dinner at the lodge, this was Chet's view!

My babies!

What were the boys waiting on......

The Big Bucket water dump......

Kinley and Coop!

Pretty Stormy girl!

Shayne and Ry having fun with my under water camera!

My little babies.....they had a blast!

even when they were trying to beat each other up!

The little ones just love Chet!

All the kids had their playmate......Chet and Paul!

Debbie did Katelin's hair all pretty!

It's so nice with most the kids having a friend with Debbie and Paul's kids.....

Katelin and Sage

Rylie and Shayne

Kinley and Saylor (not quite sure if these two will be friends or frienemies yet)

Owen and Connor

Evan and Cooper

And then there is Luke.....

Wore out after a day of swimming.

and Stormy.....they may not have a partner in crime but the group wouldn't be complete without them :)

We spent 2 days and 1 night there, the kids had a blast......

and were wiped out when we got home!!!!

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