Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July 2015

We always have a little something going on for the 4th and this year was no different......

Nothing big just a few friends over for food, fireworks and fun!

My little's always love this time of year.....

Chet giving Katelin and Sage a ride on the 4 wheeler.

Saylor wishing she could go for a drive!

The kids love all the smaller fireworks.

Shayne holding our little puppy Bristol that we had just gotten the night before.

Drew and Cindy came out along with my cousin Rachel who I don't get to see very often!

Everyone wants daddy to give them a ride.....he can't say no to his 2 littlest girls!

These moments are rare but I love seeing these two showing that they really do love one another.

And yes this picture.....Rylie and her friends Kate, Abby and Matt! This was taken shortly before they went for a ride on the 4 wheelers and our night changed tunes could have been a tragic night for us, thank God it wasn't!

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