Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I love baseball's summertime, school's out and it's my favorite sport to watch!

Owen had a great coach and it was the first year I really see where he got the game.

I'm so proud of him.....

he tried lots of different positions including pitcher and catcher. Mostly he played 3rd base.

Luke was all over the place......

but sometimes he would just stop and watch!

Daddy helped out in the dugouts a few times.....

Luke kept trying to get baseballs from him!

Connor was on Owen's team so the kids always had playmates!

Rylie sitting on Grammy's lap!

It was a rainy season.......

which led to this beautiful rainbow after one of the games!

Katelin also played tball, it just isn't her favorite thing but she stuck it out and did great!

Cheering on their sister.....

I love this pic of Katelin in the dugout talking to her baby brother!

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