Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

It's that time of year again......resolutions, new starts and so on. I'm not going to make any resolutions but I think that I will make some goals....such as getting healthy, spending quality time with my kiddos, and a photo challenge.

I've seen lots of blogs where people are doing a 365 photo challenge....they try to take a picture everyday for an entire year so I am challenging myself to do the same and I will try to post my pictures once a week...we will see how it goes.

I expect this to be a great year for us...I think the business will do well and well I have a few other things in mind for this year but you will just have to wait to hear about those!!!

We had a nice New Years Eve...Chris and Michelle came out with the twins and Brandon, Amy came over and AJ, Angie and Abby were here with a friend of theirs and his son. We rang in the new year, everyone went home and we crashed (were getting old I guess). I just enjoyed the night and didn't take any pictures but it was fun. All the kids made it to midnight except Evie but he did get to stay up until 10 which is pretty late for him.

I hope you all had a fun and safe New Years Eve and I wish you all a Bright and Happy New Year!!!

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