Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas was pretty laid back this year.....

We just hung out at home Christmas Eve, here are my babies on christmas eve!

And their stockings were hung up and ready for Santa (this is the first year for Rylie knowing the "secret" of Santa)

They went to bed and rumor has it a couple of Santa's elves were up till 3 am putting things together....darn procrastinating elves!

Santa filled their stockings....

and left their gifts....a train table for Evan, kindle fire's for Ry and O, a vtech cube for Kinley and twin dolls with beds and a high chair for Katelin.

It was a good christmas for all especially my sweet Kinley (okay maybe especially for her mama) since it was her first!

My baby and me!

We hung out at home, Brandin, Natalie and their kiddos came and the kiddos opened those gifts then after breakfast and playing for a bit we headed to my grandma's (nanny's) house and opened gifts from her.....

Kinley and her bitty baby.

The little boys and their new scooters.

Katelin and her doctor mommy doll.

The big boys with their new robes, they also got sleep pants.

And the big girls with their vera bradley purses.

Our little family!

We had a great christmas, we are very blessed and we hope everyone's was just as wonderful as ours!

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Sandy Hook Tragedy

One week ago today......parents all over america sent their kids to school fully expecting to see them later that day. For 20 parents in Newtown, Ct that didn't happen. A killer went in to Sandy Hook Elementary heavily armed and opened fire killing 6 adults and 20 children before shooting himself.

I, along with most of America, am absolutely heartbroken. What an unimaginable tragedy. I have felt sick to my stomach, I have been brough to tears repeatedly, I have seen my husband brought to tears many many times this past week. I did not know them but I am mourning them. I cannot even begin to imagine what these families are going through. The heartache must be almost unbearable.

Not that the loss of these children is any sadder than the loss of any other child but the way it happened is just so senseless and so horrific. An illness or an accident is horrible and sad but in most cases it is unpreventable but this was so senseless and it was never ever should have happened. I put myself in those kid's minds and what they must have felt and it just breaks me. And the number of kids lost....20, it is just so hard to accept. And the brave teachers and staff......Victoria Soto, hiding kids in the closet and telling the shooter they were in the gym before he killed her. Ann Marie Murphey who held a student in her arms as they were both killed. I can't imagine what they went through. Then the parents......such unimaginable and unbearable heartache....I hurt for them.

I just keep thinking I will wake up and be told it was all a horrible nightmare but that isn't going to happen. I truly believe our world is full of people who are good. I wish everyone was good and nobody had any reason to bring harm to others, I just don't understand why.....or how someone could do such a thing.

I'm not one to take things for granted, I know were not promised tomorrow. I don't feel my family and I are invincible....I know things can happen, I just pray that they don't. For that reason....I never hang up the phone without telling my husband that I love him, I always make sure a hug and an I love you are the last thing my kids get before they go off to school. I try to fully appreciate my family everyday.....every moment and this is exactly why.....we just never know what can happen.

I try to put this in the back of my mind but it just doesn't work, I think about it constantly. I feel like the world just needs to stop while we take time to mourn and begin to heal from this tragedy but it doesn't work that way so this is my little way of remembering the victims:

The Children:

- Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female
- Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male
- Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female
- Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female
- Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female
- Dylan Hockley, 3/8/06, male
- Madeleine F. Hsu, 7/10/06, female
- Catherine V. Hubbard, 6/08/06, female
- Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male
- Jesse Lewis, 6/30/06, male
- James Mattioli , 3/22/06, male
- Grace McDonnell, 12/04/05, female
- Emilie Parker, 5/12/06, female
- Jack Pinto, 5/06/06, male
- Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male
- Caroline Previdi, 9/07/06, female
- Jessica Rekos, 5/10/06, female
- Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female
- Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male
- Allison N. Wyatt, 7/03/06, female
The Children's heroes:

  Rachel D'Avino, 7/17/83, female
- Dawn Hochsprung, 06/28/65, female
 -Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female
- Lauren Rousseau, 6/8/1982, female
- Mary Sherlach, 2/11/56, female
- Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female
May they rest in peace!
And this is a post decicated to remembering the lost not to start a debate or anything so I will keep this brief but I do believe we need change. I do not believe banning guns it what we need maybe banning certain ones and certain gun accessories but if we ban guns they will still be out there, everywhere. They will just all be in the hands of the bad guys not in the hands of the good guys. Look up the times that guns have saved people or prevented tragedies, I have and there are lots of good stories out there with good endings not tragic ones. I also believe the mental health issues need to be addressed....get these kids and their parents the help they need, make it more obtainable not so difficult. They are crying out for help and i've seen first hand parents who try and just can't get the help their kids need. Let's help them before they feel like the only way to get the attention they need is to do something so horrible and so evil.
Like I said, I truly believe the world is mostly good but we sure do hear about a lot of bad anymore so I hope the loss of these lives can have some meaning and in their memories some changes can be made to end all the senseless violence in the world and truly become a more peaceful and happier place. After all our time here is so short anyway....why does anyone want to waste any of that time harming others.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Polar Express 2012

Polar Express night is a tradition we have every  year, this year we did it the first weekend of December.....I make beef stew, the kids get to open their xmas pj's and ornaments from grammy and they drink hot chocolate while we watch polar express. It is a favorite night for all of us!

The Xmas PJ's and ornaments all wrapped.....

Katelin all ready to go for our extra special treat for polar express night this year....

Kinley in her Christmas outfit!

We went to Baldwin City to the Santa was about an hour and a half train ride where the kids got to meet Santa, drink hot chocolate, listen to carolers and hear xmas stories.

My kiddos waiting in the train station.

The big girls helping the little boys!

Me and Katelin (Kinley is there too, you just can't see her...she was snackin').

Daddy and Evan.

Such handsome little devils!

Looking way to grown up!

Santa's naughty little elves!

Watching the carolers.

Katelin hung out with Grammy.

Kinley slept the entire trip.

The big kids.

The little boys love trains but once they were on it I don't think they realized they were on a train. Katelin, however, did realize it and I really think of all the kids she enjoyed this the most. I think she was really in awe of it and just enjoyed it the most. She was so quiet just taking it all in the entire time.

We got to go see Santa in his special car and the younger kids were a little apprehensive so Daddy and I had to get in the pic too.

Toward the end of the ride Santa came and talked to all the kids one more time, Evan ran up to him and hugged was so cute.

He started something because Katelin and Xander were next.....

followed by Owen and then Dylan.

Xander even gave his beard a tug.

The whole crew after the train ride.

After that we went home ate dinner and let the kids open their pj's and ornaments.

Wearing their PJ's

We have made gingerbread houses every year.....they are a pain in my butt....
the boys really just ate their's.

I think next year we may just do gingerbread men.....Katelin was really the only one who made hers and was proud of it.

Attacking Daddy!

Evan and Katelin cuddled with grammy during the movie, Evan and Xander both actually sat through and watched the movie.

And after playing for a bit.....we found Evan crashed on the floor!
 Another great Polar Express night!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

All 8 kids.....

were finally all here together under one roof!

Since it is so hectic and hard to work around everyone's schedules we had a little bit of an early christmas celebration with the big kids. After all.....the most important thing is that we all were together not that it fall on christmas day.

Dad with ALL of his kids.

Opening presents....

We put Matthew and Jakee's money into a maze so they had to work for it, it was pretty funny. Jakee couldn't figure hers out so Matthew had to do it for her!

We gave Cheston a flat screen TV, his TV had gone out on him.

I've already posted this pic, when Cheston came out about a month ago, when he met Kinley for the first time.

So I also had to get one of Jakee holding her....The oldest sister and the youngest.

And of course, Matthew and Kinley....the oldest and youngest kid (27 years difference, crazy huh?!?!?) And Yes....Chet started having kids at a young age!

One more of all the kids together. It was a great night, it is so rare we get the entire family together so when it happens it makes it all that much more special!

And we had to get a goofy faces picture too.

The Girls!!!

We let the younger kids open a present also and Rylie, Owen and Katelin got furbies....they are kinda creepy little things!

And I had to share this picture Matthew took of Kinley.....just too darn cute!
Also we are very proud of Matthew, he will have some pictures published in a national magazine....I believe it is called Army Times, unfortunately they are photos the family asked him to take at the funeral of a soldier that he knew so it is under very sad circumstances but we are proud that his photos will be published.
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