Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Photo Challenge.......

So what's up with my photo challenge.....well it is done. Not because I was giving up on it but because the dates on my camera got messed up and I just don't have the time or the energy to try to figure out 2 months worth of daily pics and exactly which date they were taken but here are some pictures that most likely would have made my challenge....
My crazy Rylie she is a note writer, she will leave notes for us all over the place and here is one she left me to find in the morning.....
Love living in the country even when we come home at night and have to stop on our gravel road to let a horse and a couple of sheeps cross the road.
Daddy multi tasking.....

Playing with his baby sister..... 

Bunny ears....

My view of a couple of kiddos while..... 

watching this kiddo at his play at school.

How sweet is this, reading a book to baby Kinley!

The kids always love the car wash!
Daddy letting Katelin shoot the bb gun out of the window, he says she is a pretty good shot. 

He has been insistent on wearing Owen's jacket....he does look awfully cute in it!
Pretty girl!

Playing cars together.

Play place at McDonalds....

this is as far as Evan would go.


Boxing gloves....this can't be good.

Cheston finally meeting his newest sister.

He looks good with a mustache!

My boys waiting for Rylie after her concert.

Making cookies with Grammy.

Chet had a serious poison ivy outbreak, I even ended up with some.
And my poor baby after her first shots.

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