Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas was pretty laid back this year.....

We just hung out at home Christmas Eve, here are my babies on christmas eve!

And their stockings were hung up and ready for Santa (this is the first year for Rylie knowing the "secret" of Santa)

They went to bed and rumor has it a couple of Santa's elves were up till 3 am putting things together....darn procrastinating elves!

Santa filled their stockings....

and left their gifts....a train table for Evan, kindle fire's for Ry and O, a vtech cube for Kinley and twin dolls with beds and a high chair for Katelin.

It was a good christmas for all especially my sweet Kinley (okay maybe especially for her mama) since it was her first!

My baby and me!

We hung out at home, Brandin, Natalie and their kiddos came and the kiddos opened those gifts then after breakfast and playing for a bit we headed to my grandma's (nanny's) house and opened gifts from her.....

Kinley and her bitty baby.

The little boys and their new scooters.

Katelin and her doctor mommy doll.

The big boys with their new robes, they also got sleep pants.

And the big girls with their vera bradley purses.

Our little family!

We had a great christmas, we are very blessed and we hope everyone's was just as wonderful as ours!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you all had a great Christmas!

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