Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kinley Ryann 2 months

My sweet baby girl turned 2 months old on Saturday and do you know what I love most about her???

Absolutely everything....from her tiny little head, her endless facial expressions, her stinky (and I mean stinky) little butt to her cute squishy little toes! I Love this sweet baby soooo much!!!

You can definitely see how she has changed over a months time....she has chunked up some but she still seems little to me, I guess going from my biggest baby to my littlest back to back will do that!


She now weighs 11 lbs 12.5 oz (50th %)
22 inches long (50th%)
And her little noggin is 14 3/4 inches (25th%)

She fits well into her 0-3 month clothes and is wearing size 1 diapers. It is a good thing she is so darn cute because she is the stinkiest little thing ever.....she only poops about once a week ( which is normal for breastfed babies) but she toots all the time and wow does it stink!

She doesn't grunt nearly as much as she was and is starting to make sweet little baby sounds. Just the past couple of days she has been making long eye contact with me and giving me sweet little smiles and cooing back when I talk to her.....and I love it, it just melts my heart!

And you can see it in this pic.....she has a dimple on her hairline right in the middle, it is so cute.

I also had to share some pics I took when Kinley was 7 weeks old.....

Kinley Ryann.....I love her name, I love hearing it, I love seeing it....I think it is a beautiful name. I had to fight a little for it and almost decided to change it because of opinions of others but i'm glad I stuck with my gut and went with it because I love it and I hope she will love it just as much when she gets older.

One of her first smiles, this is still about as big as her smiles get. Although the past day or two I have gotten a couple of big smiles from her. I sure love these sweet little smiles!

How could you not fall instantly in love with this sweet face.....I know I sure did!

Oh....sleepy girl! She is a good sleeper (at least if she is snuggled up with mama), wakes up maybe once to twice during the night to eat and usually takes a really good nap in the afternoon while Katelin is at preschool and then cat naps the rest of the time!

Like the rest of my kiddos..... I just love her....fully and completely! She is definitely right where she belongs, so glad she became a part of our family!
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