Saturday, December 8, 2012

Scary....early morning trip to the ER! of the scariest things in my life happened early this morning.

Last week Chet and Rylie both had a case of laryngitis so when Katelin and Evans voices started to go a few days ago I thought nothing of it. Chet and Rylie never got sick and their voices came back no problem. Well yesterday I started noticing Katelin's breathing sounding raspy and a little bit of a croupy cough. I was going to take her to the doctor yesterday because I could tell she wasn't feeling well. As the day went on she felt better and better and I had a lot of stuff to do so I opted against taking her and put her to bed in my room so I could be near if she started to feel bad again.

Well about 4 or 5 in the morning she was getting really restless, waking up coughing and her breathing was labored so I decided as soon as they opened I would take her to urgent care. Then she started complaining that her throat hurt and her breathing was getting more and more labored so I brought her into the living room after she threw up on me and had her sit on the couch. I was going to look up what time urgent care opened when her breathing started to sound really labored and I could see her struggling.  She was even beginning to panick and she wanted to go to the doctor. Even as bad as she felt she still asked if she would have to get a shot....I said no hoping that would be the case so thank goodness she didn't. I went and told Chet that I was taking her to the ER. She was really really struggling to breath. I was so scared. Chet came out and I could tell he was scared too.

Rylie was at Abby's and the boys were asleep so I woke up my mom so she could go with me and Chet could stay with the kids. While I was getting Kinley in her seat Chet had Katelin stand up and got her calmed down because she was panicking which was making it harder for her to breath. This was about 6:30 my mom came up, Chet got Katelin buckled and we left. It was dark and really foggy and everytime Katelin coughed my mom panicked, she tends to panick in scary situations. So the ride to the hospital was also a bit scary.

As soon as we pulled up to the ER Katelin threw up again, I got her inside they did her triage stuff and took her straight to a room where the doctor, respiratory therapist and nurse came immediately in and got a mask on her with medication. They got her breathing under control, gave her some steroids, a chest xray and observed her for a couple of hours, during which she got some much needed sleep. They made it clear she was in pretty bad shape and it was a good thing I got her there.

You could see she was feeling sooo much better after the steroids had a chance to kick in. And she was such a good girl....did everything they asked when they asked. Took her medicine without complaining, held still for xrays and answered all their questions. So proud of her! And even being so sick.....just look how beautiful she still beautiful she always is!!!!

Daddy was so worried and I of course kept him up to date. After she was all better and we got her home he told me that when he was putting her in the car he actually had the thought of what if this is the last time I ever see her. Luckily I think him getting her calmed down and the fresh cold air (cold air helps open the airways) both helped her breathing because she seemed to do pretty well on the car ride to the hospital. And while I was confident that we would get her to the hospital and fixed right up..... I would be lieing if I said the thought of us losing her didn't cross my mind....that is just how badly she was struggling to breath there for a bit. And us being in the country I knew I could get her to a hospital before an ambulance could get to our house and get her there. My heart hurt....I was just soooo scared.

So I should have taken her to the doctor yesterday and now I, of course, feel like a horrible mama for not taking her. Thank God she is okay! Just thinking about the "what ifs" is horrible. But she is home and healthy and playing and happy and that is all that matters right now! I love my little princess more than I could ever express!!!!
My only other experience with croup was an Owen was a baby and he also ended up in the ER but his breathing wasn't nearly as bad and it was still scary. I think the croupy sound adds to the panick.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is scary Shannon.I have been there. So glad she is doing better! Also--LOVE the new header photo!!

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