Monday, April 30, 2012

After school fun......

Rylie rode home with Abby on this particular day so the rest of us got out the sidewalk chalk!

Evan even sat in it.

Katelin made a spaceship.

Evan posed for me with his new hair this picture of him......

he gave me a goofy face too!

And my other good lookin boy!
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

First "real" haircut!!!

Who wants a haircut????

I do I do....he seriously will raise his hand when you ask him a question....too cute!

You may notice the short bangs in the above picture......yeah Katelin had a little something to do with that so it was time for the buzz cut.....

at first he was doing okay....

not quite sure what daddy was doing.....

and then he started getting a little antsy.....

so mommy put him on her lap.....

and that made him feel better....

lots of hair came off his little head, made me a little sad because I loved his head full of hair (especially since the last 2 were bald... especially Katelin....she took forever to get hair)....

but he looked soooo cute with his new do.....

and his bubby got a hair cut too.....such handsome boys I have!!!!
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

The difference between girls and boys.....

girls do thing the easy way and boys do things the hard way!
And this doesn't change as they get older!


 Of course crawling out the window versus using the door makes for more of an adventure,
and my sweet boy does love an adventure!
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Things my kids put on their heads!

I created this post about a month ago and i'm not sure why it never got posted so here you go.......

Hat day at school....and of course Katelin and Evan had to partake!

Any idea what's on their heads???
I had just bought Owen some new underwear and my boys decided to become ninjas!
Don't worry he hadn't worn the underwear yet!!!

Daddy's little girl.....wearing his camo hard hat. And yes she is also wearing Evan's clothes!
Why??? Well that I couldn't tell ya, that's my Katelin for ya!

How cute is she, with her sunglasses on her head???

Being a goofball wearing a trash can on his head, it's better than the underwear, right?
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Photo Challenge Week 15

The 7 amigos on Easter!

All ready for bed!

He looks like he is up to something!

Playing on the swingset that daddy put together with the help of Tim, Woody and Jacob....thank you so much guys....your awesome! 

Stomach flu....while I actually thought about how I needed to take a pic for my challenge...I never got around to it.....I was soooo sick!

Chet got stuck at a train but he at least got to see the military equipment!

We have to keep the screen  door locked or Evan will least when he escaped this time he put some shoes on first!
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Photo Challenge Week 14

We got a new screen door and as soon as we had it out of the box my 3 little goofballs took it away and spent hours playing with it!

My sweet baby boy with his pillow, blankie and puppy.....the 3 things he has with him in his crib every night and he likes to bring them to the couch every morning!

Our bucket husband really does run the most honest, hardworking tree company around!

When you have 2 loose front teeth.....this is how you eat corn on the cob!

Playing in the sand while Owen is at soccer practice.

Yes, this is the only picture I have from this day and Yes my husband will want to kill me for sharing this but gotta keep my photo challenge going so sorry honey! By the way those are the cantaulope I bought that day.

Dying eggs!
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I didn't mean spaghettio's......I really meant....... Oh.....spaghetti!!!!!

Evan and the spaghetti had quite a time!

I guess that is what I get for leaving the kitchen for a minute!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Soccer Practice!

Twice a week we take Owen to soccer practice and lucky for us it is at a park!

So while Owen is is what the rest of us do....

Rylie overcoming her fear of sliding down the pole!

Evan is all over the place but he really likes the little rocker!

and then there is the sandpit....oh the lovely sandpit....we leave with sand it all the cracks and crevices, in hair, in their shoes.....oh how I wish there wasn't a sandpit!

But it gives the kids a good hour to wear themselves out so we can go home and prepare for bedtime.....oh sweet glorious bedtime!!!!
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