Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Chris and Michelle came out on Saturday with Brandon, the twins and a couple extra kiddos, so we dyed some easter eggs......


they had lots of fun and did a great job!

Then on Sunday morning we woke up and the kiddos found their baskets, they each got some candy a stuffed animal (I know.....not a big deal for the big kids but they got one anyway) and a book.

Rylie is really into the Titanic lately so she got a Titanic book....

Owen got 6 easy to read Sponge Bob chapter books that he can read to us....
Katelin got a princess book to practice writing her letters.....


and little Evie got a wiggly caterpillar book.....

Katelin cuddling her new friends....

We spent the afternoon at my grandmothers and attempted to get pictures of all 7 kids, well these are the best 2 I got.....

despite some funny faces.....what a good looking bunch of kiddos we have!!!

My beautiful babies.....

Enjoying their easter egg hunt, it's hard to capture the big kids they are on the go.....
but this little guy just took his time, I caught him one time with a chocolate egg in his mouth still wrapped in foil!

I hope everyone had a fantastice easter.....I sure am blessed to have all that I do.....wouldn't trade my life for anything!!!
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