Sunday, April 29, 2012

First "real" haircut!!!

Who wants a haircut????

I do I do....he seriously will raise his hand when you ask him a question....too cute!

You may notice the short bangs in the above picture......yeah Katelin had a little something to do with that so it was time for the buzz cut.....

at first he was doing okay....

not quite sure what daddy was doing.....

and then he started getting a little antsy.....

so mommy put him on her lap.....

and that made him feel better....

lots of hair came off his little head, made me a little sad because I loved his head full of hair (especially since the last 2 were bald... especially Katelin....she took forever to get hair)....

but he looked soooo cute with his new do.....

and his bubby got a hair cut too.....such handsome boys I have!!!!
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