Thursday, April 26, 2012

Photo Challenge Week 14

We got a new screen door and as soon as we had it out of the box my 3 little goofballs took it away and spent hours playing with it!

My sweet baby boy with his pillow, blankie and puppy.....the 3 things he has with him in his crib every night and he likes to bring them to the couch every morning!

Our bucket husband really does run the most honest, hardworking tree company around!

When you have 2 loose front teeth.....this is how you eat corn on the cob!

Playing in the sand while Owen is at soccer practice.

Yes, this is the only picture I have from this day and Yes my husband will want to kill me for sharing this but gotta keep my photo challenge going so sorry honey! By the way those are the cantaulope I bought that day.

Dying eggs!
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