Friday, April 13, 2012

I would like to introduce......

our little peanut!

I got a positive pregnancy test on Jan. 31, Chet was home and I told him right away. I tend to be pretty fertile so no surprise, I had a feeling I was!

I am 14 weeks today and let me tell you....this has not been an easy pregnancy so far! I have had morning sickness to some extent with all the kids but it was typically just feeling nauseous and it would come and go. Not this time....I literally had about a 4 to 5 week period where I never ever ever felt good. I felt nauseous, vomitting 1 -5 times a day and I don't even know how to explain it, it almost felt like I had something rotting in my stomach....yes, gross I was miserable. And trying to take care of the other 4 kids and keep up with the house and meals....ugh! I try not to complain too much because I know some women have it worse and the end result is all worth it!

So the picture you see above is from March 7th, I was about 9 weeks there. I kept teasing Chet telling him we were having our head count that day, I think he was worried but there is just 1 healthy peanut. I am of course seeing my wonderful midwife Jeane, i've known her since my pregnancy with Rylie. She was a student when I was pregnant but a midwife by the time Rylie was born. She has delivered all of my babies except Rylie (my stubborn little emergency c-section baby). I completely credit her for my 3 soon to be 4 successful vbac's, the nurses had me all ready for a repeat emergency c-section with Owen when Jeane stopped them and got his heart rate back up and delivered my baby boy.

We (more specifically I) have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. My husband and my mother are not thrilled with this but too bad so sad. It something i've always wanted to do but have never been able too. But now I have 2 boys and 2 girls and I truly do not have a preferance on the sex of this baby, I will be thrilled either way so why not make it fun?!?!?

The hard part will be picking a name for each but I do have some ideas.....If Evan had been a girl, I had wanted to name him Kinley but Chet wasn't really on board, I think he may like it more now so that is on the top of the list. I also like Ashtyn and Makenna but i'm sure the list will grow there are so many pretty girl names. For a boy I like Kade, Luke, Cole, Eli and again i'm sure the list will grow. Chet would love to name our child Raylan after his favorite character US Marshall Raylan Givens on the show justified ain't happening. My mom has already named the baby either Brooklyn or Seth which are both names I like but there are names I like better.

I am finally coming out of my slump with the sickness, it still hits sometimes but thank goodness it is no longer constant, I had the stomach flu yesterday which was no fun but feeling better today. I am excited to get into the rest of the pregnancy, hoping the summer isn't ridiculously hot. Since were not finding out the sex my next sonogram won't be until 20 weeks....I think it is a boy and Chet thinks girl! Of course, Owen wants a boy and Rylie and Katelin want a girl and poor Evie has no clue what's about to happen to his life. But we are all very excited and love our little baby very much! Our little family is very blessed, not only do my kids get to grow up with each other but they also have 2 amazing big brothers and an amazing big sister that are all grown up and they look up to them sooo much!

I am planning on having this baby all natural, my last 2 have been natural and have by far been the best birth experiences for me. I was induced with both and hope to go into labor on my own but being vbac I am only allowed to go slightly past my due date so we will see. I  love to read people's birth stories, I'd imagine most people could care less but it you are at all interested here are links to the other kiddos birth stories.............





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