Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Photo Challenge Week 52 and the end of 2013

Week 52

My babies ready for Santa!

Christmas Morning!



Enjoying their Chiefs straws from Grandma and Grandpa!

My mom bought our family a telescope for Christmas, Chet got it put together now we just have to wait for a good clear night (and hopefully a warmer night)!

Kinley got a little wagon (which is intended for baby dolls) but she seems pretty happy going for a ride!

My dad and Patty got us this ornament, it has a picture on every side!

How sweet are these?!?!?

Ending the year right with all of the kids together!

It's hard to believe 2013 is almost over.....it has been a good year for us. Business was good, we have happy healthy amazing kids and nothing horrible happened to us this year. There are always ups and downs but nothing we couldn't handle! I expect 2014 to be an incredible year, we of course will be welcoming our baby boy and our family will be complete....we are so excited to meet him and see what he will look like and what his little personality will be. We also look forward to watching our kiddos continue to grow and blossom into little people and hoping business will be just as good if not better than this year!

I completed this photo challenge and I haven't decided if I will do it again or not....it really is quite the challenge but we will see.....life is only going to get busier in 2014 especially after May arrives!!! But I will have an incredibly cute new victim to take pictures of and he won't be able to get away from me!!!!!

Anyway I truly hope everyone welcomes 2014 safe and happy and have amazing wonderful things happen for you! Happy New Years!!!!!!!
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