Friday, December 27, 2013


was spent at home for the first time ever (and Yes I know I am a little behind on sharing this post). Brandin, Natalie and the kids came over and Josh and his son John. We made a big dinner and just hung out. I didn't take a lot of pics but I did get this one of the kids eating their dinner......
Then on Saturday we went to my grandma's house......
My one and only true love!

And the amazing continuously growing family we have!

My little girls coloring....they both love love love to color, well really Kinley likes to draw on anything and everything that she can!

Chet playing a game with some of the bigger kids.

My beauties.....there are no words how grateful I am for these little people!

Not only my 5 (almost 6) but also the 3 other little people whom I couldn't love more!

I may not have pics from the holidays with them but I am also grateful for Matthew, Cheston and Jakee and all the rest of our family and friends!!!!!
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