Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daddy's helpers!

Daddy has lots of little helpers and part of what makes him such a great daddy is he takes the time to let them help...even when it would be a lot easier and a lot quicker to just do it himself. And it's funny because our 2 littlest girls like to help the most when daddy is working on something. I think the pictures speak for themselves.....

Friday, June 27, 2014

Katelin's Dance Recital!

Katelin had her dance recital at the beginning of June. My mom, Rylie, Abby and Myself went!
Oh and of course this little guy....see he even wore his suspenders and tie for the occasion!

Katelin has been with this dance place for 3 years and she really enjoys it, the recital theme this year was Party Time!
Katelin did an awesome job, I am so proud of her!

And her 2 best friends....Ella and Sage...well they did an awesome job too!!!


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Luke's first bath

Luke was 18 days old when his umbilical cord fell off, so what's that mean.....
his first real bath!
I expected tears but there were none....

he seemed very content and very relaxed in the warm tub!
There may have been a few tears during the getting dressed process though!

He's had several baths since and has liked them all. Prior to this he only had 2 quick sponge baths when he had spit up or pooped all over himself. He was a teeny tiny newborn after all it's not like he got filthy so why make him suffer through a cold sponge bath!!!


We made our first trip to the pool a few weeks and all 6 kids!
Luckily my friend Debbie was there with her 6 so it was an extra set of eyes! Plus this was before the great wolf lodge so Kinley stayed close to me trying to figure out this water fun!
A couple quick pics before heading into the pool!

This is how Luke was hanging out when we first got there (he was only 2 weeks 4 days here)! 
Katelin had a blast especially on the slide! 
I didn't see much of this kid but managed to snap a quick pic!
She got right in and started playing but stayed close to me but now that she's been in the water a few times staying close to me is a thing of the past!
Having fun!

Surprisingly this one is not to comfortable in the water and doesn't leave my side!
And here is Luke right before we left....still sleeping! Rylie wouldn't let me take a pic!

Here lately I am sort of a single mom....Chet is super duper busy so we don't see him a whole lot. It is hard taking all 6 to the pool on my own especially with Kinley wanting to run off and play and me having to stay near Luke! We went one other time but I didn't have anyone else there at all so no extra eyes....we didn't stay too long. I'm hoping Chet can get away a little so we can try to go at least once a week but we will see!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Rylie tuned 12.....

I don't feel old enough to have a 12 year old but I do! She is sassy and full of drama....I call her my diva! However, she is so much more than that....she is sweet, funny, empathetic, caring! She loves to help you when you are sick or just down in the dumps! She loves animals and would take in every kitten we find if we would let her. She is my first born so I've learned a lot of lessons being her mom. It's not always easy and I know I've made many mistakes and I will make many more, I just hope she always knows how proud of her I am and how much I love her!!!
For her birthday we took her and 3 friends (plus all our other hooligans) to the Great Wolf Lodge!
As soon as we hit the water these 4 were off so I didn't really get many pics but they were hungry so I was able to snap one while they ate!
This girl would go do her own thing then come hang with me and the littles for a bit.
Same with O....he kept going off but would come back and catch Kinley on the slide. 
This girl was crazy! We never knew it but she is a water baby (more on that in a minute)! 

And Evan....well he is a little nervous in the water, I compared him to a feeder fish! I was the whale (no pun intended, I hope to be classified more like a mermaid than a whale in the near future) and Evan was the feeder fish, everywhere I went he was right behind me following me. We got him to go down the little slide once and that was it!
I was with the little ones the entire time and this little guy just hung out in my arms! 
They had a blast in the little kid area.....

Then Kinley discovered the slide, she went up the stairs and down the slide over and over and over again (I bet at least 50 times if not more)....

can you see that smile....she loved it! I had people asking me how old she was, they couldn't believe how she was just going on her own the way she was and it was a fast little slide!

Then she kept trying to venture off with the big kids, daddy did take her over there for a bit but she sure thought she could go on her own!
After a few hours at the pool everyone was ready for a break so we headed to the room.....
There were some ducks outside our balcony so the crackers I brought were fed to them!

Luke chilling out at our the hotel room!
Opening gifts...I asked her to smile, this is so Rylie though!
Rylie, Shay, Abby and Shayne!!!!
Oh....were you wondering about the ears, they are wolf ears the hotel gave us! I think I got a picture of them on everyone but Evan.  

I brought a cake and some cupcakes....between Kinley trying to sneak into the cake and Owen dropping the cupcakes everything ended up a little smushed by the time we did candles but it still tasted good!

My little outdoors girl didn't want to leave the balcony!
The bigger kids went to the arcade so Chet and I took the younger kids to the lobby for story time!
Then daddy and Luke got in a little nap while I pushed Kinley around the hotel in her stroller until she fell asleep!
Then it was morning and we had a busy day so no more time to swim, I wish we had had more time. Next time I will definitely make sure to book it when we have nothing else going on!
My crew....sure do love them!
One more of Rylie and her friends...they were all great and got along so well...I like having the smaller group of girls it creates less drama!!!

My two middle kiddos!!!
I guess it wore them out because this was on the drive home at 9:00 in the morning!
Then on Rylie's actual birthday Jakee was off work so we met up for lunch. We didn't tell Rylie that Cheston and Jakee were coming so it was a nice birthday surprise!!!

And of course a little celebration at home, she got a tether ball pole, volleyball net and between us, grammy, grandma and grandpa and nanny she has some shopping money! She had a great birthday and was very grateful for everything!!!!

Hard to believe my baby girl is 12 and going to be a teenager in a year! As much as I miss the little girl that she was I do enjoy spending time with the sweet young lady she is becoming!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Kindergarten graduate!

It's been over 3 weeks since she did it but she did do it....she passed Kindergarten!
Here she is on her 1st day!
Now there was never any doubt that she would comes very easy to her!

She loves school.....she loves reading and loves math! And she loves her friends, she is my little social butterfly!
And she loved her teacher, Mrs. Roberts. She was a great teacher, she really helped to make Katelin's first official year of school a great one!

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