Thursday, June 26, 2014


We made our first trip to the pool a few weeks and all 6 kids!
Luckily my friend Debbie was there with her 6 so it was an extra set of eyes! Plus this was before the great wolf lodge so Kinley stayed close to me trying to figure out this water fun!
A couple quick pics before heading into the pool!

This is how Luke was hanging out when we first got there (he was only 2 weeks 4 days here)! 
Katelin had a blast especially on the slide! 
I didn't see much of this kid but managed to snap a quick pic!
She got right in and started playing but stayed close to me but now that she's been in the water a few times staying close to me is a thing of the past!
Having fun!

Surprisingly this one is not to comfortable in the water and doesn't leave my side!
And here is Luke right before we left....still sleeping! Rylie wouldn't let me take a pic!

Here lately I am sort of a single mom....Chet is super duper busy so we don't see him a whole lot. It is hard taking all 6 to the pool on my own especially with Kinley wanting to run off and play and me having to stay near Luke! We went one other time but I didn't have anyone else there at all so no extra eyes....we didn't stay too long. I'm hoping Chet can get away a little so we can try to go at least once a week but we will see!!!!!

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