Monday, June 2, 2014

A first for our family.....

and not the good kind of first either but our first broken bone with one of the kids! At least a first for our 6....Matthew broke his ankle as a kid but that was before I was in the picture!
I didn't see what happened but apparently Owen was swinging on this rope we have hanging from a tree and Evan walked in front of him and got kicked.
Now typically when Ev gets hurt you just give him a quick hug and he is all better but this time he was really crying a lot. We got him calmed down and he ate dinner even though he was still crying out in pain a little and then I laid him on the couch to watch tv and he fell asleep.
During the night he came in my room crying and went back to sleep but would cry out during the night. So the next morning when he was still crying we decided we needed to go to the ER.
Daddy, Luke, Evan and myself headed to the ER, here is Evie just waiting!
Here is the xray! Yeap it's broken!

Ready to go home with his new sling! This was the only time he wore it right, it ended up around his shoulder where he refused to take it off all week, guess it made him feel better having something there!
Today, a week after going to the ER we went to the orthopedic doctor and got this snazzy little sling! This one forces him to wear it right.
He has to wear this for 3 weeks and then we go back for an xray to make sure everything healed up and that's it! The clavicle is the most common bone broken in the body and it usually just heals up fine, obviously it can't be casted! He's been such a trooper!!!!



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