Wednesday, June 11, 2014

May Leftovers!

Not sure who took this but Kinley was chillin in her stroller!
Daddy had some cash on him and she was excited to hold that much money!

Getting their groove on at Katelin's birthday party!
Rylie gave her a pony!
I bought some little chairs at the store and put them in the cart....she insisted on sitting on them while in the cart
Sweet sleeping baby girl!
Proud of my girl....the 2nd character award she got at school this year!
Ready for her first t-ball game!

Mother's 2 little girls enjoying some apples!
She wanted to go driving so I took her to Hillsdale lake and let her drive, she did a pretty good job! I figure the earlier we start the better she will be when it is time to drive on her own!

He wanted his picture taken in front of the fish tank, we were at one of the schools having some speech testing done!
Ready for some baseball! Go Tigers!!!

A sweet moment betwwen Evan and Kinley at Katelin's t-ball practice.

The day our family became complete...welcome to the world Luke Dylan!

I let Rylie skip school so she could be there to meet her baby brother....guess this is how she passed the time!
Sooooo IN LOVE!!!

There was no time to rest after having a baby.....Katelin had watch week at gymnastics on Monday!
Owen up to bat!
Hanging out in the tent in Katelin's classroom.....

Cute little baby toes!

My first and last born!
What to do with a newborn while cleaning the kitchen!
Swinging with her bro!
Pirate princess!!!
Giving his brother a push!
Playing B ball!
Learning how to keep that new baby quiet!
She has been a little mad at me since I brought that new baby home but she is coming around!
This girl and her selfies!!!!

Love that smile :)
She was hiding from me!

Lunch at Culvers....just me and the kiddos!

My last little snuggle bug, I know all to well how quickly this time will go so I will cherish it for as long as I can with my new little man!
She may not be "the baby" anymore but she will always be my baby girl!

My onery baby girl!
He kinda likes his new brother!
She thinks she is funny with that binky in her mouth!
Owen crossing home plate!
Sitting in her baby doll wagon!
 Love this pic of daddy and Luke at Owen's game!
Love cuddling with my sweet baby boy!
My little t-ball player!
Katelin said #4 should say T-ball!


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