Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Father's Day 2014

On Saturday we went to McLouth to the Holwick's house, they are an awesome family that I grew up with and are good friends with my dad and Patty. We spent the whole day outside and I don't think I looked at my phone once...it was nice. The kids had a lot of fun (well Rylie was bored but had fun moments here and there), they have been wanting us to get a golf cart for a long time and they got to ride some out there so now they really really want one!

Rylie has been driving 4 wheelers since she was 6 so this was a piece of cake for her.....

Owen made us a little nervous but he was getting the hang of it! 
And these two....they loved it, we made sure the key was turned off though! 
We made a quick stop by Lois' house where we got married at their pond almost 13 years ago! While we were there I got a picture of Grandma and Grandpa with the kids! 

And one with them and Luke!
It was late when we got home so we went to bed planning on getting up the next morning and having a relaxing father's day only mother nature had other plans for Chet......
So he worked his butt off with a little bit of help!
He did get a little bit of time to relax, did a little target shooting, ate some Mexican food and posed for a few pictures!
My loves!!!! 

Luke's first father's day!
Love this pic! 

They are pretty close to being a couple more of our kids...love our Haylie and Dylan! (And Xander too but he had already gone home)
Rylie wanted to take a selfie with daddy....love this pic of them and she shared it on fb with a very nice message about having the best dad ever!!!!
When you are the kids of a tree trimmer, this is what you like to do for fun.....

She always has to take a selfie!

It was a good weekend, for the first time in about 9 years I got to wish my dad a happy father's day! I'm glad he is back in our lives! And my husband.....he is the greatest dad to our kids, he has made my dreams come true by giving me the family I always dreamed of! He also happens to be my best friend....I am very very blessed and I love him more than words could ever express!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this post Shannon. Chet is a great Daddy!

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