Monday, November 15, 2010

Evan Wade 3 months

I can't believe my baby boy is 3 months old today!!! I'm sure most moms can relate to this but even though it's hard to believe he's already been here for 3 months, it feels like he's always been a part of this family. I truly believe Evan was meant to be with us, the day I found out I was pregnant I told Chet that it would be a brown haired baby boy. And that is exactly what we got, a perfect little brown haired baby boy!

Hanging out earlier today.
I took the next pictures during some of the nice weather we had last week while we were outside enjoying it.
He chews on his bottom lip a lot lately along with trying to devour his whole hand.

How could anyone resist this sweet, sweet face.

He is so smiley and giggly anymore, such a happy little guy!
Evan's not sleeping through the night yet but that's okay, he'll get there when he's ready. Some nights he wakes up every 3 hours but more and more he's going 6 to 7 hours. He often ends up snuggled up with me in the early morning hours but again that's okay with me, I love my little snuggle bug.

He also said "mama" for the first time tonight and yes I realize he was not intentionally saying it but it still made me smile. Chet was teasing me about it and not long after that he was holding Evan on the couch going "say dada, say dada". It made me laugh!

He also loves his baths and is very ticklish, he starts to giggle whenever I change his clothes and often when I am changing his diaper, it's so cute.

According to my scale he weighs close to 16 lbs, he's pretty much outgrown 0-3 month cloths and is wearing size 2 diapers. He's on zantac for acid reflux and it seems to be helping with his spitting up but he is obviously getting plenty of calories.

And of course I took his 3 month picture with "the bear" so here are pics from the last 3 months.
3 Months

2 Months
1 Month

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