Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall Fun

So last week during some of the beautiful fall weather, Daddy went and got a big leaf pile for the kids to jump and play in and they had a blast. So here are some pictures from that. This week hasn't been as much fun.....we all have colds, Evan has pink eye, Owen was throwing up over the weekend and Rylie has a bacterial infection on her face but at least we are getting it over with before Thanksgiving!

Also to those of you who recieve this in your email.....not that it matters and probably noone cares but me because you get the same content either way but if you go to the actual blog website ( you get to see the pretty backgrounds that I change each season vs. seeing the content on boring white background. Again i'm sure i'm the only one who cares about the background but hey just thought i'd let you all know,lol!!!

Aren't they cute!

My sweet little Ry Ry.

She LOOKS so sweet!
Won't be long and Evan will be running with the big kids!

My O.

Such a poser.

This was when Daddy was pointing the leaf blower at Rylie.

And this was after!

Me and my brood.

Daddy and his brood.

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