Saturday, November 27, 2010


We had a nice Thanksgiving, thanks to our wonderful host......
Natalie and her cute turkey apron!

Can you guess who's first thanksgiving this was????

Well of course you can, the first of many for 2 very special little boys who have come into our family this year in very differant but both very special ways and we are so thankful for both of them!

Xander and Evan
And we can't forget the other little ones who we are so thankful for......
My crazy and wonderful little Katelin, and notice her shirt....yes KK, everyone really is thankful for you!

Our rowdy rambuctious boys, who are proud to now be known as the big boys...Owen and Dylan!

Hay Hay the loveable and grown up!

And of course our little Miss Rylie Jo, the little mama of the clan, we wouldn't be complete without her!

And anyone who knows Natalie....well you know she tends to run a little behind at times and Thanksgiving dinner was no exception...the turkey took a few hours longer than expected (Love you Natalie, you know I have to give you a hard time)!
So what did the kids do to pass the time, well they decorated the tablecloth, of course!

With a little help from Daddy/Uncle Chet...

We had some beautiful artwork to eat on!
 I just wanted to end this post with a few of the things i'm most grateful for:

There are no words for what my husband and kids mean to me, they are my everything and I love them beyond anything I could have ever imagined!

I'm grateful my kids are happy and healthy, I so wish all kids could be happy and healthy because no child deserves not to be.

I'm grateful for Matthew, Cheston and Jakee and I wish we got to see them more and I hope we change that real soon.

I'm grateful to be lucky enough to have found and married my best friend and to be one of the lucky people to be in a truly happy marraige.

I'm grateful to have my mom in my life everyday, she does so much for my family and is so important to my children, she really is irreplaceable.

I'm grateful that we have a roof over our heads and food on our table everyday, again I wish these were two things noone ever had to go without.

I'm grateful our lives are so filled with LOVE, this is something noone should have to live without!!!

I could go on and on because there really is so much I am grateful for, such as our troops who fight for us everyday, all my wonderful friends and extended family and so much more....we really are truly blessed!

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