Friday, November 5, 2010

Well it has been kind of a BAD week for me! One of those sick to my stomach, can't sleep kind of weeks, we'll just say that you really should listen when people say not to go into business with family and we'll leave it at that.

Anyway that is not the point of this post, the point of it is that despite having a bad week, I am beyond blessed to have 4 beautiful, awesome kids who never fail to bring a smile to my face. Even though one of those said kids peed in a tote of toys but that's a whole other post.

Man...I love these kids!

Today started out bad because I get up to get the kids ready and it seems really bright outside but don't think much of it until I was making the kids breakfast and realize all the clocks in the kitchen say 8:30 and I freak out. Apparently my self setting alarm clock decided it was sunday and daylight savings time so we got up an hour late. Enough of my venting, I wasn't going to let my bad week prevent me from sharing a very important milestone for the littlest of my crew.

My sweet little boy giggled for the first time on halloween eve, just a small giggle and then on halloween night I had him really giggling good. It just melts my heart and brings a big smile to my face so here are some pics of my sweet boy that always make me smile.
Little GQ, smiling it up for the camera.

Love, love, love this sweet face.

His new favorite toy (not the elephant, his hand)
And some more pics from October that make me smile...................
Me and my kiddos (notice Ry's grumpy face, she was mad at me for something.)

Going for a ride with Daddy in the bucket truck.

Yes, my kids are waaaaaay up there, and there Daddy is the only one I would let take them up there.

Owen is the king of fake smiles so I loooove it when I capture a real one.

Hanging out in the sling, what a rough life.

The outfit so fits her personality, my crazy little girl.

I love this picture, Rylie looks so pretty and so grown up.

Rylie and Owen sound like an old married couple anymore but they still love each other.

Rylie and Katelin at the park.

What's up????

My little princess all konked out.

Go Chiefs!!!

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