Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rylie Jo

Rylie was student of the week last week, so I thought this would be a good time to share with the world (or at least with the handful of people who read my blog) how proud I am of my girl. She has blossomed so much in the last couple of years. She is doing awesome in school and played soccer and volleyball this year. I really am so proud of all she has done. Like I said before, Rylie and I can butt heads quite a bit but I think we are learning how to control how we handle our differences. She is such an incredible big sister, always taking care of the younger kids and most the time they all play so well together. 

 Student of the week brings home Mr. Baseball and they have to write about their adventures with him so here are a few of the pics we took with Mr. Baseball. She also got to take some pictures of herself to school, bring 3 special things to share with the class (she took her soccer medal, rock collection, and dsi), she took her favorite book (the flea's sneeze), which is probably my favorite book too I have read it to all the kids repeatedly, I think I have it memorized. Then Mrs. Kroh read a letter to the class from Chet and I and on Thursday the kids and I went and had lunch with her.

Mr. Baseball even played with Evan.

Rylies soccer medal

Abby and Rylie at volleyball.
 I couldn't resist sharing a few pictures from her younger days, she sure was a cutie. Actually she still is. I love my girl to pieces!!!!

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