Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July!!!!

Well since the kids had all recovered from their puking episodes by Saturday night we decided to go ahead and go to Chet's brothers house on Sunday for a 4th of July celebration.....................

Shooting off fireworks at Uncle Chris' and Aunt Michelle's

Hey this is a good view Dad!

Katelin played with this cat for a lot of the night, she even kept having me pet it!

Uncle Chris smokin some meat.
Our Nieces and Nephews.....Tiffany & Zayne, Brandon, Jessica, and Kaylyn and Makayla.

 So many babies.............
Evie, Our great nephew Zayne and our nephew John.

What did Katelin think of the fireworks???
 Not much.....except for the really loud ones......
 It's not the 4th without some sparklers.

We had a great time at Chris and Michelles but towards the end of the night I started feeling the kids' stomach bug hit me.....we even had to pull over on the way home. Chet had been drinking so I had to drive and let me tell you that was one loooong hour drive home. Monday I was soooo sick, laid around in bed or on the couch most the day.....Thank Goodness for Grammy and Daddy, not sure how I would have been able to care for my kiddos with the way I felt. By Monday night I was beginning to feel a bit better so we went up to watch some fireworks.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July..............Always greatful for the men and women who have given us our independence!!!

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