Friday, July 15, 2011

Evan Wade - 11 months

They say that time flies when your having fun, well Evan has brought nothing but fun and joy to our lives and man does is show.............I can not believe that my baby boy will be 1 in just a month!

He is walking, he is completely off of baby food, finally sleeping through the night in his own bed. He follows Daddy when he comes home from work, loves to play with his older siblings (well Rylie and Owen anyways....I think Katelin must drive him a little nutty!) He loves anything with wheels, he will dance when he hears music and he likes mommy to be in his sight at all times (and if i'm not he will find me).

He drinks from a sippy cup but still likes his bottles, he is still nursing but not much.....the next month he will be weaned. He is still in a size 4 diaper, all his moving around has thinned him down some. He has gorgeous hazel eyes and 4 sharp teeth. And of course, here are some pics of my beautiful baby boy.......

Evan on a big green tractor!

How can you resist that face?!?!

Love his smile!!!

At the park!

That's his "mom's taking a picture" face.

Man.......I love him!
 And just in case you were wondering....................Yes he is happy almost all the time but he does have him moments.................

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